Let's turn bits into bytes - welcome to my personal website | Dr. Marc Janka

Data Enthusiast

Research Fellow

Finance Expert

About Me
About Me

I am an experienced professional with a doctorate in business administration who specializes in management control. My expertise also extends beyond academia.

For serveral years, I was engaged in management and technology consulting. During that time, I was responsible for finance topics with a focus on planning, reporting, and other aspects of performance management. What set me apart is not only my conceptual understanding, but also my ability to implement cutting-edge planning, business intelligence/analytics and data management tools. I always pushed the boundaries of innovation, leveraging my proficiency in SAP and Microsoft technologies.

My consultancy experiences paved the way for an exciting opportunity at the Friedhelm Loh Group. My current role places me in charge of the entire data architecture, encompassing data governance and management, as well as data analytics. With unwavering commitment, I chart the course for the organization’s data-driven future.

  • Strategic & Performance Management
  • Project Management
  • Management Accounting & Control
  • Data Management & Governance
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Business & Data Analytics
Work Experience
2022 - Present | Head of Enterprise Data Architecture & Analytics
Friedhelm Loh Group / Loh Services GmbH & Co. KG

Since 2022, I am working for the Friedhelm Loh Group (FLG) headquartered in Haiger, Germany. In my current position the IT department Head of Enterprise Data Architecture & Analytics, I am responsible for defining the data architecture for analytics.

FLG is a German family-owned manufacturing and services group. It is headed by the founder and chairman Prof. Dr.-Ing. h. c. Friedhelm Loh. The group employs more than 12,000 people (2022) and generates revenues of € 3.0 billion (2022). The largest subsidiary Rittal is a pioneer of mass-produced enclosures for electrical control systems. Other major subsidiaries in the FLG‘s portfolio are EPLAN, CIDEON, LKH, Stahlo, German Edge Cloud, and the shared service center Loh Services.

Together with my four teams at Loh Services and business partners at FLG, my work goal is to make the organization more data-driven. My focus is to establish standards for the management and governance of data. Thereby, an efficient managed enterprise business analytics and self-service business intelligence should be embedded.

My work is threefold: strategic, conceptual and operational. Strategic, in terms of the framework for how to deal with data. Conceptual, with regard to the development of business blueprints. Operational, in terms of working with analytics. Technologically I am not limited, but I focus on SAP and Microsoft solutions.

2019 - 2022 | Manager/ Sr. Consultant
BearingPoint GmbH

From 2019 until 2022, I worked for the management and technology consulting firm BearingPoint in the office Berlin, Germany. Started as a senior consultant, my last position was in the manager position responsible for large Finance & Risk (F&R) client projects.

Owned by 180 partners, BearingPoint is an European-rooted company but operates worldwide with more than 4,600 employees (2022) and revenues of € 760 million (2022). The business is separated in different operating units with a focus on the consulting unit. Among five consulting service lines, F&R provides clients solutions for performance management and other CFO-related topics.

I lead F&R projects for clients operating in service or manufacturing industries. Thereby, I gathered experiences in the marked segments Energy, Transportation, and Engineer-to-Order. My advisory focus was on performance management encompassing CFO strategy.

My work was threefold: strategic, conceptual and operational. Strategic, in terms of helping CFOs to develop a finance strategy. Conceptual, with regard to the development of business blueprints for integrated business planning and reporting. Operational, in terms of working with analytics.

2014 - 2019 | Research Associate/ Doctoral Student
Technische Universität Dresden

From 2014 to 2019, I worked at the Chair of Management Accounting/ Controlling at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). During this time, I was active as a research assistant not only in teaching research during my doctorate, but also worked on externally funded projects.

TUD is a public research university with 30,069 students (2022), 8,219 full-time employees (2022) and € 1.15 billion total budget expenditure including third-party funding income (2021). It is the largest institute of higher education in the city of Dresden, the largest university in Saxony and one of the ten largest universities in Germany. The university is one of eleven German universities which succeeded in the Excellence Initiative in 2012, thus getting the title of a “University of Excellence”.

I have also been an ad hoc reviewer for the Review of Managerial Science and the Journal of Management Control. My research has received awards from the Péter Horváth Foundation and the German-language, practice-oriented journal CONTROLLING.

As a lecturer for controlling courses, I taught students, among other things, cost/ time/ quality management, management of intangible resources and financial statement analysis. In addition, I supervised more than 60 theses in bachelor, master and diploma programs in economics.

2014 - Present | Freelance Lecturer
Dresden International University

Since 2014, I have been a freelance lecturer (ad hoc/ part-time) at Dresden International University (DIU). I teach in the continuing education program Management for Health Professions as well as the international MBA program Logistics.

DIU is a state-recognized private university located in Dresden, Germany, with more than 2,000 students. It offers Bachelor’s and Master's degree as well as MBA programs in education and part-time work. Founded in 2003, DIU is associated with the Technische Universität Dresden.

As a lecturer for controlling courses, I teach students in cost accounting and cost/ time/ quality management. Furthermore, I was a member of the examination board of the international MBA program Logistics from 2017-2019.

Scientific Research

In my research journey, I have made significant contributions by publishing articles in academic research journals such as the Journal of Management Accounting Research, Review of Managerial Science, and Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change.

However, my commitment to bridging the gap between science and practice has led me to also publish in German-language, practice-oriented journals such as CONTROLLING and Controlling and Management Review. By doing so, I strive to create a synergy between academic rigor and practical relevance, fostering a strong connection between the world of research and the realities of the business world.

  • Management Accounting & Control
  • Innovation Management
  • Information Management
Published Articles
Google Scholar Citations
Research Awards

… to show Abstracts and available Online Sources:

Die Digitalisierung und damit einhergehende vielfältige Softwarelösungen ermöglichen Unternehmen die Implementierung von Managementinnovationen. Das Controlling spielt dabei durch den Einsatz einer kultur- wie auch einer maßnahmen- und personalbezogenen Steuerung eine entscheidende Rolle. Dieser Beitrag erläutert das Zusammenspiel von Managementinnovationen und Controlling und beleuchtet dabei die Bedeutung verschiedener Unternehmenskulturtypen. https://doi.org/10.15358/0935-0381-2022-6-62

Die Planung interner Leistungen ist häufig mit einem großen personellen und zeitlichen Aufwand verbunden. Jedoch sind die Ergebnisse, insbesondere bei der Planung von Intercompany-Beziehungen, selten zufriedenstellend. Die partielle Harmonisierung bietet eine mögliche Lösungsoption. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12176-022-0460-7

This study aims to synthesize qualitative research in the accounting and management literature that builds on the concept of enabling formalization. The framework for the meta-synthesis integrates formal management control system (MCS) design applying the package typology and two modes of MCS use, namely, diagnostic and interactive. The meta-synthesis is based on 34 case studies gathered by a systematic literature search. Qualitative research mining software (Leximancer) was used to facilitate an initial analysis, upon which an in-depth manual analysis was conducted. The findings indicate that the generic features of enabling formalization – specifically, flexibility and repair – help employees better deal with inevitable contingencies in their daily work through continuous self-improvement. In many circumstances, there is a need to change common organizational practices, which sometimes requires realignment to direct employee behavior toward goal congruence. The (temporary) coercion of employees does not seem to cause dysfunctional behavior or resistance as long as the broader MCS package follows the design features of enabling formalization – specifically, transparency. The interactive use of personnel/cultural controls appears to play a crucial role within the whole MCS package in balancing tensions between coercion and enabling formalization. This study adds to the understanding of formal MCS design characteristics perceived by managers and employees as enabling. Furthermore, it shows how managers of these organizations use formal MCS under enabling formalization. https://doi.org/10.1108/JAOC-01-2019-0002

Digitalisierung gilt für Unternehmen heutzutage als kritischer Erfolgsfaktor und als Treiber für Innovationen. Für Unternehmensexterne ist eine Evaluierung des Wertschöpfungsbeitrags von unternehmerischen Digitalisierungsbestrebungen und daraus resultierenden Innovationen jedoch schwer möglich. Abhilfe kann die integrierte Berichterstattung schaffen, die explizit die Konnektivität von finanziellen und nichtfinanziellen Kapitalarten (sog. Kapitalien) darstellen soll. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert den Status quo der Berichterstattung über digitale Innovationen und deren Konnektivität zu anderen Berichtsinhalten integrierter Berichte. https://research.owlit.de/document/af7abc53-1da1-33a0-b64f-8150d5cbed4d

Previous literature has widely regarded stability values in organizational culture as a necessary evil at best and proposed their reduction to shape innovation. Our study expands the literature by empirically exploring the relationship among stability values in organizational culture, management control (MC), and managerial innovation. Managerial innovation is important for every organization because it contributes to technical innovation in the long term and is directly or indirectly associated with firm performance in a positive way, but its success or failure depends on a process of diffusion through the organization as a social system. Based on a survey of 260 large German firms, we find that managerial innovation has a negative association with the degree of stability in organizational culture but a positive association with an emphasis on three of the four tested MCs, namely, action controls, personnel controls, and cultural controls. We reveal that a large extent of the negative effect ascribed to stability in organizational culture is caused by a lack of emphasis on cultural controls rather than by the degree of stability itself. Furthermore, we go beyond the assessment of stability as purely “good” or “evil” by generating empirical evidence of the positive fit between stability and cultural controls for managerial innovation, following contingency theory. According to our findings, organizations with a relatively high degree of stability in their culture (e.g., bureaucracy or hierarchy) may be enabled to shape managerial innovation through cultural controls. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-019-00338-3

„Agiles Management“ ist zum Schlagwort geworden. Doch was bedeutet agiles Management für die Ausgestaltung des Controllings? Aktuelle empirische Studien zeigen, wann Controlling agiles Management unterstützt und wie mit wichtigen Erfolgsfaktoren umgegangen werden sollte. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12176-020-0117-3

Gemeinhin gilt die Annahme, dass das Controlling für viele deutsche Unternehmen auch oder besonders in der Produktentwicklung von großer Bedeutung ist und vor allem unter Umfeldunsicherheit ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor sein kann. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt unter Anwendung einer für die Controlling-Forschung neuartigen Methode zur Schätzung von Mischverteilungen mittels partieller Regressionen (englisch finitemixture partial least squares [FIMIX-PLS]), ob diese Annahme für alle Unternehmen gleichermaßen gilt. https://doi.org/10.15358/0935-0381-2020-3-45

Der Social Impact, d. h. die nachhaltige Wertschöpfung für alle Stakeholder einer Unternehmung, nimmt an Bedeutung zu. Der vorliegende Beitrag liefert einen Überblick über Verfahren, die zur Messung und Bewertung von Social Impact in der Privatwirtschaft angewandt werden können. Anhand von fiktiven, aber realitätsnahen Beispielen werden die praktische Anwendbarkeit der einzelnen Verfahren aufgezeigt und Herausforderungen für die Unternehmen dargestellt. https://doi.org/10.15358/0935-0381-2020-3-66

Magement control has long been studied as a research topic, examining how and under what conditions specific control system choices perform in the specific context of innovation. This cumulative dissertation deals with the need for organizations to address challenges in internal and external environmental settings by embracing innovation. The preface introduces the dissertation by presenting the framework that covers the content of three essays and that constitutes this cumulative dissertation, by providing the main concepts and definitions of relevance, and by reviewing the current state of research on the associations between management control and innovation-related constructs. This preface concludes with a summary of each of the three essays by describing the research topic, the specific methodology, and the main findings and contributions. http://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.30277.37601/4

Results regarding the association between perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) and management control (MC) of new product development (NPD) are ambiguous and sometimes contradictory. Based on survey data for 276 firms, we first contribute to MC research by finding that firms have two completely different responses regarding their MC of NPD when facing high PEU. Whereas the first group of firms increases all MCs when PEU increases, the second group responds with a loosening of MC. The first group consists of slightly larger and older firms than the second group, with relatively emergent innovation strategies, greater innovation capabilities, and weaker perceived complexity of their environment. Second, we reveal these two contrary groups of firms behind an aggregated sample by introducing finite mixture partial least squares (FIMIX-PLS) as a new approach to MC research. Our study may inspire future researchers to control for previously unobserved heterogeneity in structural models by using FIMIX-PLS. https://doi.org/10.2308/jmar-52019

Das Controlling übernimmt in Unternehmen die Aufgabe, die langfristige Existenz des Unternehmens zu sichern und kurzfristig die Ziele der Gewinnerzielung und der Liquiditätssicherung zu erreichen. In Zeiten der zunehmenden Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit tritt neben die ökonomische die ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit im Sinne der sogenannten Triple Bottom Line. Daher widmet sich unsere internationale Studie explizit der Beziehung von Unternehmenssteuerung und Umweltmanagement in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit. Der vorliegende Auswertungsbericht fasst erste deskriptive Ergebnisse dieser Studie, bei der die 2500 größten Unternehmen in Deutschland im Jahr 2015 befragt wurden, zusammen. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-226848

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